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Congratulations on your engagement 🎉. Are you excited to get married and have a magical ✨ day with your loved ones?

Why do I need this planner?

  • Stay organized throughout the planning process which involves talking with multiple people about a magnitude of different topics.
  • Have everything in one place. Add images, videos, audio and links.

What can this planner help me with?

  • The steps that make a wonderful wedding are laid out for you. You can follow them to cover all the important aspects of a great event.
  • It includes a concrete timeline with checklists of steps you need to take before the big day. Make sure to avoid unpleasant last-minute surprises.
  • You can easily adapt it to your needs, add contacts and meeting notes from your conversations with vendors.
  • Add direct links to Spotify playlists, Youtube videos and websites from your caterers, DJs, crew, etc to make the planning process interactive and fun.
  • If you are a larger group of people organizing the event, it can help distribute tasks and share information.

Who is this planner for?

  • You want to save time during the planning process. Let's be honest, hosting a wedding is a very exhausting task and saving time during the organisation helps bring some energy back into your relationship.
  • You want to keep things tidy and always have an overview of all open tasks.
  • You want a guideline on how much ahead of time you need to take care of topics.
  • You want to be prepared for the next meeting with your wedding planner or vendor. Organizing a wedding is no routine task after all.

How does it compare to a wedding planning e-book?

There is a general structure with inspirational content and must do's provided, similar to what you would find in popular books. Additionally, you can interact with the template and tweak it according to your needs. You can add and remove sections and make the planning much more interactive and delightful than an e-book could offer.

How does it compare to a notes app?

There is a general structure with inspirational content and must do's provided, similar to what you would find in popular books. Additionally, you can interact with the template and tweak it according to your needs. You can add and remove sections and make the planning much more interactive and delightful than an e-book could offer.

How does it compare to word & spreadsheet software?

You do not need to start from scratch with your wedding planning and need to collect all the information. There is more flexibility to structure the content and embed media in a convenient way. Like playing music/videos right beside a todo.

This is for use by the purchaser only, so PLEASE do not re-sell or distribute. If you have any questions or concerns about this template, please feel free to reach out via magical.wedding@gmx.de.

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Access your template whenever you want.

How can I duplicate the template?

Once you're on the Notion page, you will have the button "duplicate" on top-right. Click on it and choose your workspace. Your template should be there in a few instants 🎉

Does this template works with Notion's free plan?

Yes. Every feature of this template will perfectly work if you are on Notion’s free plan.

What is a Notion template?

By definition, Notion templates are pre-built Notion pages that you can duplicate into your Notion workspace with a simple click. They can be simple pages or very advanced systems with multiple databases. Using templates can help you save time and hours of work to get started quicker with Notion.

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