The Best Second Brain Notion Templates for 2024

Quentin Villard
Task and project managementFinance tracker and budget planner

Searching for the best Second Brain Notion template to boost your productivity? In this article, you'll find my top 3 picks of the best second brain Notion templates currently available.

And, as a certified Notion expert, I'll also explain to you why a Second Brain can change your life and how you can even create your own for enhanced organization and personal growth.

Looking for a quick solution? Here's the Notion Second Brain I use every day!


What is a Second Brain?

To make it as simple as possible, a Second Brain is a digital space serving as an extension of your mind. It helps you store, organize, and access information effectively, without any limits, leading to improved learning efficiency, enhanced productivity, and fostered creativity.

The concept, coined by productivity expert Tiago Forte in his book "Building a Second Brain", is based on two powerful frameworks: PARA (Projects, Areas, Resources, Archives) for the organization, and CODE (Capture, Organize, Distill, Express) for the process.

And Notion has become one of the best tools to implement this Second Brain methodology and productivity system, as a Notion template.

Now, Notion Second brain templates may be named differently, and you could find templates called Ultimate Brain, Brain Life OS, Notion Life OS, PARA system... But they are all designed for the same purposes:

  • Life organization: organizing everything in areas and topics for easy retrieving
  • Knowledge management: taking notes, saving all your ideas and external resources
  • Productivity: managing projects and tasks with clear plans for your day, week or month
  • Personal growth: Defining and tracking personal or professional goals

Imagine being able to recall essential information effortlessly, manage your tasks efficiently, and have a dedicated space for all your creative ideas. That’s the power of a Second Brain.

And everyone can benefit from a Second Brain system, individuals, entrepreneurs, students, creators, freelancers, and employees...

What Makes a Good Second Brain Notion Template?

While Notion Second Brain templates vary in quality, the most effective ones integrate the PARA method and the Getting Things Done methodology (GTD) for efficient information and task handling.

This integration helps you get a structured yet flexible, complete system to manage everything:

  • Notes and resources
  • Projects and tasks
  • Goals and habits
  • Life areas and topics

But here 3 key features that you want to make sure your Notion second brain template has:

  1. Quick capture system: allowing you to jot down ideas and tasks instantly, optimized to work seamlessly from any device (desktop, tablet, smartphone)
  2. Easy navigation: a clear navigation menu for hassle-free searching and retrieving information
  3. Customization options: the ability to adapt the template and modify or create your own dashboards and views to suit your specific needs

What sets the best notion second brain templates apart is their ability to adapt to your unique requirements.

Here is a good example:

Paid vs. Free Second Brain Notion Templates

Several factors should be considered when deciding between paid and free Notion Second Brain templates.

While free templates can save you money upfront, investing in a paid template can provide a more robust and reliable tool, ultimately enhancing your productivity and organization.

Here is what I think you should consider before choosing your second brain life OS Notion template.

Free Second Brain Notion Templates

Free templates can be a great starting point, allowing you to experiment with Notion as a Second Brain without any financial investment. They allow you to see how the Notion template is built and experiment with it, which can help you get started on your second brain journey.

However, they often lack the quality, expertise, and clear guidance needed for long-term success. Here are the main downside of these free templates is:

  • Most free templates don’t include any instructions or clear guidance on how to use them, which means you’ll likely spend more time trying to figure out how the system works instead of actually getting things done
  • These templates typically cover only basic functionalities and might lack advanced features and integrations
  • The uncertainty about their quality and the expertise of the creator

Paid Second Brain Notion Templates

On the other hand, paid Notion templates often offer a more advanced and comprehensive system. Premium templates are usually well-designed, cover a wide range of topics, and use the latest Notion features for a seamless user experience.

But be careful! You might come across bad quality paid templates as well...

So my advice here is to pay attention and make sure they include:

  • Clear instructions and onboarding guides (video tutorials)
  • Customer support to assist you with setup and troubleshooting
  • Regular updates and improvements based on user feedback

Also, make sure they are created by certified experts, ensuring the Notion template is well-structured and reliable.

3 Best Notion Second Brain Templates for 2024

Having discussed the basics, I can now reveal my top picks for the best Notion Second Brain templates currently available. These templates stand out due to their comprehensive features, expert design, and user-friendly interfaces.

Notion Second Brain 2.0 by Notion Everything

This Second Brain Notion template is special as it's the one I am personally using. I've teamed up with the #1 Notion certified consultant in Europe to build this system. His expertise and my experience have resulted in something truly special. 

Notion Second Brain Template

Here's why you'll love it:

Intuitive task management: This simple system lets you manage everything from one spot and group your tasks by areas of your life. You can easily view all tasks and projects in one place, organize your day with "My Day" page and handle projects separately on their own pages.

Instant idea saving: Just one click, and your thoughts are stored for later. Also, use the "Quick Capture" page to note things while you're busy and sort new notes from your "Inbox" page.

Unlimited knowledge hub: Create your own knowledge center where all your notes and resources are organized and accessible. You can sort everything by topic for easy access and connect your materials to specific areas and projects.

This Notion Second Brain template also includes lifetime access to a growing collection of bonus templates, such as:

  • Habit Tracker
  • Daily Journal
  • Personal CRM
  • Address Book

This template has everything in one place for an organized life with clarity and focus. With Notion Second Brain 2.0, no more switching back and forth between multiple apps and no more missing notes. This tool puts you in complete control.

Get the Notion Second Brain 2.0 template

Ultimate Brain by Thomas Frank

The Ultimate Brain by Thomas Frank is another stellar Second Brain option that brings tasks, projects, notes, and goals seamlessly together in Notion.

This template integrates both the GTD framework and the PARA method, providing a structured yet flexible approach to managing your tasks and projects.

Ultimate Brain by Thomas Frank

One of the key features can be found in the task manager that allows users to create sub-tasks, recurring tasks, and set priority levels, making it a comprehensive productivity tool.

The My Day dashboard provides a daily overview to help users stay on track with their tasks and goals, making this Notion template a comprehensive system for personal productivity and development.

The Ultimate Brain template also includes:

  • Tutorials and help docs
  • A full demo template with example content
  • A support community with Notion experts

Get the Ultimate Brain Template for Notion!

Easlo's Minimal Second Brain Template

Designed for productivity and knowledge management, Easlo’s minimal Second Brain template presents a minimalist yet comprehensive template. It comes with quite a clean black-and-white aesthetic that will fit most styles, or serve as a clean starting point for customization.

Easlo Notion Second Brain

Just like the other second brains, it features an all-in-one dashboard to efficiently manage your to-do list and all your tasks, but also for project management, note-taking and note organization. This makes it really effective as a personal knowledge management system.

But it has some specific additions like:

  • PARA Dashboard and GTD Dashboard
  • Events, objectives, and key results databases
  • An exclusive community

Easlo’s minimal Second Brain is perfect for those who prefer a streamlined, clutter-free workspace. Its minimalist design ensures that you can focus on what’s important, without unnecessary distractions, making it one of the best second brain templates available.

Get Easlo's Second Brain Template for Notion!

The Best Notion Second Brain Template FREE

There are numerous free Notion second brain templates available, but after testing nearly all of them, I've found that most won't help you achieve your goals. Here’s why:

  1. Lack of Expert Design: Many free templates are not created by Notion experts. This often results in poorly structured databases, leading to confusion and a system that won't stand the test of time.
  2. Insufficient Documentation: Free templates frequently lack comprehensive instructions or guidance. You might spend more time figuring out how the Notion template works rather than actually using it to boost your productivity.

Given these challenges, my top recommendation for those seeking a free Notion Second Brain template is to build it yourself. This approach allows you to:

  • Gain a deep understanding: By constructing your own template, you'll learn the intricacies of Notion, enabling you to create a productivity system tailored to your specific needs.
  • Customize to your needs: Personalization is key to an effective Second Brain. Building it yourself ensures that every aspect fits your workflow perfectly.
  • Enhance your Notion skills: As you build, you’ll improve your Notion proficiency, which can be beneficial for various other projects.

Don’t be intimidated by the prospect of building your own Second Brain free template. It can be simpler and quicker than you might think.

To help you get started, I’ve created a step-by-step tutorial that guides you through the process in less than an hour. Check it out just below!

By following this second brain method, you'll have a powerful, personalized Second Brain system set up in no time, ready to enhance your productivity, knowledge management, and overall life organization.

How to Build a Second Brain Template From Scratch?

Crafting your own free Second Brain template from scratch is one of the best things you can do if you want to get started without spending your money. But building it all on your own can be both rewarding and challenging.

That is why I recorded a complete video tutorial, where I'll guide you step by step with valuable insights, so you can get your ultimate second brain free template in less than an hour!

If you want a quick overview of what I cover in this tutorial, below are the main elements that you'll need to create, plus the main steps of the building process.

So, here is the very minimum you will need to build your second brain template to efficiently manage tasks and projects, plus get your own personal knowledge base.

4 Databases

First, you’ll have to build four databases: Areas, Projects, Tasks, and Resources. These databases will serve as the foundation of your Second Brain system, allowing you to categorize and organize your information effectively.

Quick Capture Page

Next, set up a quick capture page for jotting down new ideas and tasks instantly. This ensures that you can capture information on the fly without interrupting your workflow.

Archive System

Additionally, create an archive system for storing completed tasks and projects, helping you maintain a clutter-free workspace.

Now, here are the 5 main steps you can follow to build your free Notion Second Brain template from scratch:

  1. Template Structure Mapping: Start by mapping out the structure of your template. Identify the main databases you want, and their needed properties.
  2. Creating Databases: Create databases for each section, ensuring they are well-structured and can handle the information you’ll be inputting. Add database properties including relations to link different databases together.
  3. Creating Database Views: Customize database views to display information in a way that suits your needs. For example, create calendar views for tasks and list views for notes.
  4. Building the Main Dashboard: Combine all your databases into a main dashboard, providing a central hub for all your information.
  5. Building Database Templates: Create database templates for recurring entries, such as meeting notes or project templates, to save time and ensure consistency.

By following these steps, you can create a personalized Second Brain template that suits your specific needs and preferences.

Summing Up

In summary, a Second Brain is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to improve their productivity, organization, and creativity.

Whether you opt for a free template or a paid template, the key is to choose one that integrates proven methodologies like PARA and GTD, offers a quick capture system, and provides easy navigation and customization options.

By selecting the right template for your needs or building your own from scratch, you can create a digital system that enhances your brain work and supports your personal development and professional life. And this will make it your best Notion second brain template.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Second Brain?

A Second Brain is a digital system that helps store, organize, and access unlimited information effectively, leading to improved learning efficiency and enhanced productivity. It's a great tool for fostering creativity.

What makes a good Second Brain Notion template?

A good Second Brain Notion template should integrate PARA and GTD methodologies, have a quick capture system, easy navigation, and customization options to suit individual needs, allowing for efficient organization and personalization.

What are the benefits of using a paid Second Brain Notion template?

Using a paid Second Brain Notion template can provide advanced features, seamless user experience, expert design, comprehensive instructions, and customer support, ensuring long-term success with your Second Brain. It's a worthwhile investment for maximizing productivity and organization.

Can I start with a free Second Brain Notion template?

Yes, starting with a free Second Brain Notion template can be a good way to experiment and get started, but keep in mind that it may lack quality and clear guidance. The best free option is to build your own following our simple tutorial.

Find Notion Templates

Notion Everything can help you find all the best templates, no matter what you are looking for. Here’s a list of other popular Notion template lists you can find on our blog:

Notion Second Brain 2.0Notion Second Brain 2.0The Best Second Brain Notion Templates for 2024The Best Second Brain Notion Templates for 2024
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